Our life these days seems to take all our energies and leave us feeling down and low due to all the stress and pressure of the work load and responsibilities.This is the negative energy in our environment that keeps on pushing us down and this negative energy makes it more difficult for us to trigger any positive change. In order to achieve a positive attitude, we have to make a conscious effort to raise our energy level in order to pull ourselves out of this negative energy and move towards positivity by simply thinking positive thoughts.Positive thinking is an attitude,a mental behavior that allows our mind to create thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, success and prosperity .One of the most quickest way to restore harmony and balance in our lives is to foster the feelings of gratitude and appreciation.
The moment we change our mindset from negativity to appreciation of the blessings around us in the form of friends,family and all the beautiful gifts of nature that we are blessed,We experience a wonderful change on all the levels of our being, the mind,heart and the whole body starts functioning in a harmonious rhythmic way.
We can only achieve this by feeling good, by thinking positive, healthy and productive thoughts ,by trying to turning our negative thoughts into positive ones, by avoiding people with negative attitudes and coming in contact with people with a more positive attitude towards life than the others.
The moment we change our mindset from negativity to appreciation of the blessings around us in the form of friends,family and all the beautiful gifts of nature that we are blessed,We experience a wonderful change on all the levels of our being, the mind,heart and the whole body starts functioning in a harmonious rhythmic way.
We can only achieve this by feeling good, by thinking positive, healthy and productive thoughts ,by trying to turning our negative thoughts into positive ones, by avoiding people with negative attitudes and coming in contact with people with a more positive attitude towards life than the others.
Always visualize only favorable ,productive, happy and beneficial situations. Use positive words in your self talk and also in dialogues with others. Smile more often, as this helps to think positively. Avoid feeling bad about yourself . If you persevere, you will transform yourself in ways you never imagined possible by the simple act of changing your attitude towards life.
This can also be achieved by connecting with happy people, by self talk, by using affirmations, by a little practice every day.We should align ourselves with people who are over flowing with positive thoughts and energies, their energy has a natural way of engulfing all those around them into these positive vibrations, I have experienced it on a personal level…..and it feels wonderful to be around such people who love life and love to laugh and share their smiles with others .
My energies are always lifted beyond words . I become energetic,vibrant and a totally transformed person when I am around like minded people and people with positive attitudes..,fun loving and happy people. So we should try to make it a conscious effort to avoid all negative influences and promote and adapt positive ones.Welcome good positive vibes and avoid all that is negative around us in the form of attitudes,images,beliefs and people with gloomy way of thinking.
The second step is to make it a habit and start feeling good about ourselves and about our life, it is not going to be an easy work in the beginning specially if we are used to only counting the negative points first, ……………………but step by step……….thought by thought, soon we will be able to change our negative thoughts into positive ones.
Third point is to practice mastery over our negative self, If we are not happy, maybe we have not tried enough, not made any effort to be happy ,..just by making a little effort ,soon we will be over flowing with positive energies and the negative side of our personality not finding any response will leave our domain forever, even though it still might come for a short visit at our doors, just to know how we are doing and if it is welcome or not....We can always keep our doors under secure locks and let it never enter our life again……
All you have to do is that when any negative idea tries to creep in to your mind in order to contradict your positive thought, you have to fully ignore it and not to dwell on it, not even for a second, once we encourage it ,even if for a second, it creeps in and dwells there, so the best way is to Each time you find yourself thinking negatively, you can say 'stop' and force yourself to rationally replace that thought with something positive and keep this ‘ Mr. Negative’ neighbor away and at a distance, because it is only going to cause trouble and not help you in any way. This might seem an un natural and forced effort in the beginning ,but, with the passage of time it will soon become an unconscious habit and as your belief in yourself and your qualities increases, so will your positive thoughts grow and mature into more fulfilling and productive thoughts .
Welcome positive thoughts, positive people, happy smiling faces into your life and even if you have those whose faces are sad, always try to pass them a smile, because slowly and gradually this smile is going to touch their hearts, warm them and might change their lives.
Feel good about your self, about your life, about your morning, say all the things in the affirmative and say it out loud so the atmosphere around you resonates and echoes with it’s positive vibration, let your ears hear these affirmations again and again , so they can send this message to brain, YES!!! I CAN!!
Here, you can also take the help of forming images of happiness, of a memory that brings excitement, smiles and positive vibes with, imagine anything that brings you happiness.
By associating a feeling with an image, the positive thoughts are reinforced and become much stronger. The more often you practice this exercise, the more positive thoughts you will experience and the more positive your overall attitude to yourself and those around you will become……
MAKE A LIST of AFFIRMATIONS…….stick then onto your fridge, your bathroom mirrors, your car’s back view mirrors………..wherever your eyes fall, you should be able to see only positive affirmations………….. Consciously give yourself reasons to feel good about yourself by your integrity and good will..Soon, you will become this energy yourself and it will be vibrating with positivity that will automatically, as if by some magic engulf others into it and make them feel good about themselves.
Positive thoughts bring in productive actions, actions that bring success and happiness into our lives, negative attitudes only push us further deep into the dark unproductive corners of our lives. Energy is contagious… whether it's a positive or a negative energy. If it is positive energy it will soon begin to trickle into your body,heart and mind in little drops, till it starts flowing through your blood and glowing through your skin…till your eyes are just beaming with it, and with this energy in your system will start having it's effect even outside of yourself and around you as well.You will soon notice happiness following you and also others who will be in contact with you. Your personal improvement will encourage those around you to be just as positive, which in turn, will reflect back to you and trigger more positive thinking. It is contagious, it is infectious….it spreads like wild fire,but, first you have to become it’s source, it’s fountain ,so this fountain can soon turn into a beautiful stream and then flow into a constantly vibrating ,overflowing river of positive energies and beautiful healthy source of overflowing river of love, health and positive attitude….engulfing all what is around it with vibrations of love and good feelings. It’s all about feeling good about ourselves, in following what gives us joy and pleasure, in overflowing with energy and good vibes.!
Keep up the good work, Sherry! :)
Thank you Hemal.Your encouragement means a lot to me.Much appreciated !!!
Fantastic Sherry.....keep going....am so proud of the work you bring out...love....................kk
Thank you KK,
So glad you like it !!
Thanks !!
I really got lot inspired by the positive thoughts, but i sometimes feel that it all carries for a short time , testing my patience and temperament. the sync between body and mind is must to attain inner happiness. outside one may seem to be happy with our materialistic possessions, but are we still happy inside? i think we have made a mess of ourself. we are more concerned in pleasing others and their point of view. i love listening to Bani( Kirtan) it gives me great pleasure and peace and i try to drive happiness out of it, by trying to be kind and polite with all. I feel adopting to a frugal way of life.... . how??
Hey Sherry,what can I say ,your writings is like a breath of fresh air .
I totally agree that by having a positive attitude you can see clearer and appreciate what's important in life and this positiveness will certainly influence and inspire others around you .
Although I consider myself strong and able to cope with most difficult situations I am also very sensitive to pain and I tend to loose some of this positive energy when I loose someone very dear to me whether human or pet . These are the times I wish I had a Goddess of Wisdom beside me !
Cheers and keep up the good work
God bless you
Dear Chris,
Thanks for your feed back and comments,I really appreciate them a lot .
Chris,Your thoughts and words clearly show that you have a very loving heart and a sweet soul.
Losing some one always leaves it's devastating effects on us,whether it is a human or a pet,it is always sad and an irreparable loss.It is natural to feel desolate ,negative and left alone.The only way to overcome this is to accept the harsh reality,the reality that, ''It is so, it cannot be otherwise.'' Once we accept this and realize that only God's will is done. We can find some solace in this sorrow.The other solution to coping with a loss is to make yourself extremely busy, totally involved,and if you have time, try to do anything that involves helping others.That helps a lot.Have a strong faith in God and pray for those you have lost.
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